Recorrido en canoa por la selva tropical de Ketchikan y paseo o pie por la naturaleza
Recorrido en canoa por la selva tropical de Ketchikan y paseo o pie por la naturaleza
De Alaska Travel Adventures
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Tripadvisor les otorga el premio Travellers' Choice a los alojamientos, las atracciones y los restaurantes que consistentemente reciben excelentes opiniones de los viajeros y que se clasifican dentro del 10 % de los establecimientos más populares en Tripadvisor.
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El precio más bajo garantizado
Edades: de 0 a 99, máx. de 40 por grupo
Duración: 3 h 30 m
Horario de inicio: consultar disponibilidad
Entrada para dispositivos móviles
Cumple con las especificaciones de bienestar animal
Guía en vivo: inglés
- Bocadillos al estilo de Alaska
- Guía profesional
- Transporte
- Garantía de excursiones en tierra sin preocupaciones
- Ingreso/entrada: Tongass National Forest
Qué no está incluido- Propinas
- Recuerdos (disponibles para la compra)
- Inicio:Se ofrecen múltiples ubicaciones de recogida.Detalles del servicio de recogida
- **Lugar de encuentro de Ketchikan:** Reúnase con nosotros en el MEDIDOR DE LLUVIA ubicado afuera en el extremo norte del edificio del centro de visitantes en el muelle. Si su barco está atracado en el muelle de The Mill at Ward Cove, reúnase en el edificio del CENTRO DE BIENVENIDA en el letrero de salida del recorrido. - Tome nota de la hora de salida de su tour mencionada anteriormente y esté en el lugar designado 15 minutos antes de la hora de salida. - **Número de teléfono local:** (907) 247-5295 - Cuando llegue al área de reunión, busque al representante de viajes de Alaska Travel Adventures. Llevarán una chaqueta/camisa roja y un sombrero rojo. Busque nuestro distintivo logotipo Caribou. Tenga su cupón de viaje listo para mostrárselo al representante para que pueda indicarle el transporte adecuado.
Se ofrece servicio de recogida por el puertoDurante el proceso de compra, podrás seleccionar de la lista de puertos incluidos.- Ketchikan near the RAIN GAUGE
- The Mill at Ward Cove, 7559 N Tongass Hwy, Ketchikan, AK 99901, USA
Finalización:Esta actividad finaliza en el punto de encuentro. - No se cuenta con acceso para silla de ruedas
Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre accesibilidad, estaremos encantados de ayudarte. Simplemente llama al siguiente número y diles el siguiente código de producto: 5474KCANOE- Indique el nombre de su barco u hotel al reservar su recorrido
- Los niños menores de 12 años deben estar acompañados por un adulto.
- Los niños deben pesar al menos 40 lb (18 kg) para poder caber en los chalecos salvavidas requeridos
- Opera en todas las condiciones climáticas, vístete apropiadamente
- Los niños de 13 a 17 años deben tener un formulario de consentimiento de los padres firmado para participar en ausencia de un padre o tutor
- Viajeros deben tener un estado físico moderado
- Esta experiencia requiere una cantidad mínima de viajeros. Si se cancela por no haber alcanzado el cupo mínimo, se le ofrecerá otra fecha/experiencia o un reembolso total.
- Este tour/Esta actividad puede tener 40 viajeros como máximo
- Todas las ventas son finales y poseen una sanción por cancelación de un 100%.
- Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre este tour o necesitas ayuda para hacer una reservación, estaremos encantados de ayudarte. Simplemente llama al siguiente número y diles el siguiente código de producto: 5474KCANOE
USD 145,00
por adulto
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Acerca del operador
No nos hagas caso a nosotros; esto es lo que las personas tienen para decir sobre este operador:
- Iranuchis0 aportesCancelaron de último momentoNos cancelaron la excursión al último momento pésima experiencia … la agencia fue con Alaska Travel Adventures muy mal y lo único que ofrecieron Fue disculpas y estoy esperando mi reembolso pero el tiempo no lo puedo recuperar…Escrita el 12 de septiembre de 2024
- elandin19690 aportesMuy mala experiencia y no hay nadie de TripAdvisor que te apoye o respondaOjalá y el personal de Trip Advisor me pueda contactar, confiamos en ellos para hacer la reserva del tour, cuando llegamos al punto de encuentro los representantes de la agencia que maneja el tour nos dijeron que lo sentían pero que el tour se había sobrevendido y que no nos podían subir. Perdimos una hora alegando y gracias a otra pareja que les pasó lo mismo, (aún cuando habían reservado más de 20 días atrás igual que nosotros,) ellos lograron que los subieran y nosotros atrás de ellos. A partir de eso pues no fue muy bonita la experiencia.Escrita el 6 de septiembre de 2023
- LizOrtizG0 aportesExcelente. Segura. Las mejores vistas. Maravillosa experienciaExcelente 👌🏻 seguro, vistas hermosas, fácil, lo mejor. El guía Jonah (is the very best) es el mejor.!! La compañía Alaska adventure Tours, muy recomendable. No necesitas llevar botas de lluvia, ahí te prestan. Lo más que te mojas son unas pequeñas gotas que te caen x la remada. Está padrísimo y seguro. Vas en un lago tranquilo y pequeño. Llegas a la cascada y te bajas, está increíble. Caben 20 personas por canoa, así que hay 5 personas que no reman. No caminas en el glaciar, pero sí lo ves de súper cerca. Puedes tocar el agua de la cascada.Escrita el 9 de agosto de 2023
- mauricioalmagro0 aportesPésima experienciaMuy aburrido, no había nada que hacer, había muchas moscas y el salmón estaba desabrido. El piso estaba lodoso y el baño desagradable.Escrita el 26 de julio de 2023
- mauricioalmagro0 aportesExcelente rafting ligeroExcelente experiencia de rafting ligero por el rio de Mendelhall con hermosas vistas del glaciar y las montañas. Además, vimos salmones y águilas de cabeza blanca. El guía Adison fue muy divertido durante el trayecto.Escrita el 25 de julio de 2023
- Elizabeth U0 aportesVivir en pleno una aventura en Alaska.Una fantástica aventura en Alaska, insuperable forma de explorar la naturaleza, la oportunidad de manejar un jeep por sus caminos rurales fue inigualable. El servicio y la atención de Hanna, Any y Mackensey nos ayudaron a gozar más aún la experiencia. El pequeño refrigerio que nos ofrecieron en el bosque fue rico e inesperado.Escrita el 14 de mayo de 2023
- 994jesuse0 aportesExcelentes vistasExcelente, muy atento el guía Shantam, muy bonitas las vistas, el equipamiento para subirte al kayak estaba muy seguroEscrita el 19 de agosto de 2021
Estas opiniones son las opiniones subjetivas de los miembros de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace verificaciones a las opiniones como parte de nuestros estándares de confianza y seguridad líderes del sector. Lee nuestro informe de transparencia para obtener más información.
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75 opiniones
Muy bueno
Cassell S
1 aporte
sept. de 2024 • Familia
Jack our guide and Bryan our bus driver were so knowledgeable, funny, and kind. Great time well worth the time! The snacks were local themed and tasty!
Escrita el 16 de septiembre de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Robin C
2 aportes
sept. de 2024 • Amigos
Anazing experience and Jack was the best!!! We even saw a young bald eagle. He was funny and informative! Wr had a wonderful lunch prepared!! Totally did not expect so much food! Highly recommend!
Escrita el 4 de septiembre de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Theodore V
1 aporte
jul. de 2024 • Pareja
Colt was very kind, considerate, and knowledgeable. He gave us an opportunity to really experience being here. He was very personable funny we felt like he was really watching out for us. He Explained a lot of history I am very happy he was our tour guide
Escrita el 28 de julio de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Aileen M
Newry, UK17 aportes
may. de 2024 • Familia
Had a great day! we lucked out with the weather and had sunshine which helped considerably. We loved canoeing across the lake and the walk-through the rainforest which is really interesting. The whole event was great fun and I enjoyed the fact that we all paddled and took part in the activity, our guide was Clover and she was super fun, after our canoeing and rainforest walk we visited the totem park which was really interesting loved hearing all the stories about the different totems
Escrita el 17 de junio de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Stacey V
1 aporte
may. de 2024 • Pareja
YOU MUST BE WILLING TO PADDLE! This is an interactive activity. DRESS APPROPRIATELY, YOU WILL GET WET AND COLD. MUST WEAR WATERPROOF BOOTS, PANTS, JACKET, HAT AND GLOVES! Don't ruin the excursion for others if you don't want to paddle lightly for 30 minutes.
First, we boarded an actual school bus that traveled on paved roads for a bit. We picked up another group at a different port and proceeded on a extremely bumpy ride to the lake.
The other participants were not dressed properly therefore, they were cold and wet and probably miserable because it rained the entire time and it was pretty cold. Thankfully, We were dressed appropriately but when only a few people on the canoe are paddling it makes the cruise pretty weak.
Our guide was not loud enough, did not provide the correct paddles for each person and did not teach simple instructions before leaving the dock so when we were in the middle of the lake she had to try to teach/shout instructions which didn't work. She kept asking the others to paddle and they would try to haphazardly put their paddle in the water (Not in-sync) but it was so bad it was actually funny.
There was NO chowder as advertised and NO warm drinks when we arrived at the trail. The only thing they offered to drink was apple juice like we were a bunch of 2nd graders!( I would've loved some water after paddling a group of tourists around the lake). The trail tour was super short and simple. I think it could've been better but it seemed like a bunch of 20 year old kids running the event and they missed the mark. Jess was a sweet young girl but again she didn't seem like she had enough training/experience.
Also, don't expect to see any wildlife, there is nothing much there. It's a beautiful nature area but I was paddling the entire time, in the rain, with the rain hood shielding my face. If the 4 of us didn't paddle the boat literally would stop in the water. The others were unaware that their participation was mandatory. PLEASE sign up for appropriate activities so you don't ruin the excursion for others.
YOU MUST BE WILLING TO PADDLE! This is an interactive activity. DRESS APPROPRIATELY, YOU WILL GET WET AND COLD. MUST WEAR WATERPROOF BOOTS, PANTS, JACKET, HAT AND GLOVES! Don't ruin the excursion for others if you don't want to paddle lightly for 30 minutes.
First, we boarded an actual school bus that traveled on paved roads for a bit. We picked up another group at a different port and proceeded on a extremely bumpy ride to the lake.
The other participants were not dressed properly therefore, they were cold and wet and probably miserable because it rained the entire time and it was pretty cold. Thankfully, We were dressed appropriately but when only a few people on the canoe are paddling it makes the cruise pretty weak.
Our guide was not loud enough, did not provide the correct paddles for each person and did not teach simple instructions before leaving the dock so when we were in the middle of the lake she had to try to teach/shout instructions which didn't work. She kept asking the others to paddle and they would try to haphazardly put their paddle in the water (Not in-sync) but it was so bad it was actually funny.
There was NO chowder as advertised and NO warm drinks when we arrived at the trail. The only thing they offered to drink was apple juice like we were a bunch of 2nd graders!( I would've loved some water after paddling a group of tourists around the lake). The trail tour was super short and simple. I think it could've been better but it seemed like a bunch of 20 year old kids running the event and they missed the mark. Jess was a sweet young girl but again she didn't seem like she had enough training/experience.
Also, don't expect to see any wildlife, there is nothing much there. It's a beautiful nature area but I was paddling the entire time, in the rain, with the rain hood shielding my face. If the 4 of us didn't paddle the boat literally would stop in the water. The others were unaware that their participation was mandatory. PLEASE sign up for appropriate activities so you don't ruin the excursion for others.
Escrita el 3 de junio de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Jerry S
Bronx, Estado de Nueva York3 aportes
may. de 2024 • Familia
This was a fantastic and a wonderful experience with the tour guide, Keegan and Brian our bus driver were both great! We learned a lot and had a wonderful experience. Highly recommend this tour! Keegan has an unique bald Eagle call.
Escrita el 14 de mayo de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Lakeland, FL56 aportes
may. de 2024 • Pareja
So glad we did this tour! Colt, Keegan, Dustin and Brian our bus driver were all great! We learned a lot and had wonderful experience. The snacks at the camp were a nice surprise! Colt is a wonderful guide and we loved his enthusiasm. Highly recommend this tour!
Escrita el 11 de mayo de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Linda M
1 aporte
oct. de 2023 • Familia
We had a great time on our Canoe and Nature Walk in the Ketchikan Rainforest. Colt was very entertaining and also very informative. He really seemed to know his stuff. We also enjoyed the snacks at camp and getting to talk with other staff members.
Escrita el 14 de octubre de 2023
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Minnesota31 aportes
ago. de 2023 • Solitario
.Another favorite excursion. Took a small tour bus out to Harriet Hunt Lake. There are about 30 people (give or take a few) in each canoe. There were only 2 canoes so it was another peaceful outing. Lake was like glass - we were blessed with perfect weather. Learned about the Lake, surrounding forest, and it was a nice paddle around the area. Also, There are 3 people on a seat and the middle person does not paddle. So many old trees surround this lake. The nature walk is not a hike. It goes in a circle into the woods and it is on a boardwalk. So if you have issues walking this is something you would still be able to do. After the walk we went back to the sheltered area for jam, salmon spread, bread, snacks, hot chocolate, coffee. One thing you see if a type of lichen (old man's beard) that only grows in the purest of air - so you are breathing good clean air.! If you are looking for something quiet to do, this is for you.
Escrita el 2 de octubre de 2023
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
3 aportes
sept. de 2023 • Pareja
Our guide Bella was amazing! So knowledgeable and friendly. She pointed out many local fungi, explained the history of the area and how natural formations were created, and was genuinely enthusiastic about her work. She made the canoe trip and nature walk a highlight of our trip!
Escrita el 10 de septiembre de 2023
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
I have a question before booking - we are coming in July on the Carnival Ship Spirit and will only be at the stop for 6 hours, July 19, 7am to 1pm. One of my fellow travelers was concerned about this excursion and if it would be cutting too close to our departure from port time. She normally books excursions through the cruise line so there isn’t any concern with delays or what not. Have you guys experienced any issues with returning participants to port when there is a short time period like this?
Thank you!
Escrita el 28 de febrero de 2020
You have plenty of time to return to town for lunch and
Escrita el 28 de febrero de 2020
What to wear on a tour in early August? What kind of footwear in the canoe? Is there water in the canoe
Escrita el 29 de julio de 2018
We went early July. Wear tennis shoes. A jacket and perhaps a hat. Clothes may get wet. No water came into the canoe. Lovely forest, nice snack at stop and short interesting easy hike. It rained while we were there.
Escrita el 29 de julio de 2018
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