Archaeological Museum of Kissamos
Archaeological Museum of Kissamos
De 08:30 AM a 03:30 PM
08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
08:30 AM - 03:30 PM
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Сократ по Греции
Glyfada, Grecia329 aportes
nov. de 2024 • Negocios
The wonderful tiny museum at the time of our tour (November 2024) requires not so much renovation as a different design. So luxurious a mosaic is hard to enjoy when you're on the same level as it. In the Archaeological Museum of Patras, where there is a notable number of similar creations from the Roman period, a balcony was specially raised so that the art connoisseur could fully admire the skill of the masters of Antiquity in creating grandiose canvases.
The few but interesting exhibits can be taught as a rare gem by displaying it against a darker background.
But enough criticism! The museum, although tiny, features worthy exhibits mainly from two eras of Kissamo history: the island's celebration of the Mycenaean invaders (the second half of the second millennium B.C.) and Hellenism's smooth transition to rule in Crete of the Roman Empire (hence the aforementioned mosaic). The latter = monumental just for the sake of it is worth looking at.
But ceramics and sculpture also deserve attention. Funny Pan/satire and bust of Aphrodite, whose eye-catching bust can't take your eyes off.
A meticulous visitor can also pick at the tricks of the ancient Greek alphabet on early Christian inscriptions.
Your #guide_to_Greece #Socrates_to_Greece #Crete_with_Socrates
The few but interesting exhibits can be taught as a rare gem by displaying it against a darker background.
But enough criticism! The museum, although tiny, features worthy exhibits mainly from two eras of Kissamo history: the island's celebration of the Mycenaean invaders (the second half of the second millennium B.C.) and Hellenism's smooth transition to rule in Crete of the Roman Empire (hence the aforementioned mosaic). The latter = monumental just for the sake of it is worth looking at.
But ceramics and sculpture also deserve attention. Funny Pan/satire and bust of Aphrodite, whose eye-catching bust can't take your eyes off.
A meticulous visitor can also pick at the tricks of the ancient Greek alphabet on early Christian inscriptions.
Your #guide_to_Greece #Socrates_to_Greece #Crete_with_Socrates
Escrita el 5 de diciembre de 2024
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genova407 aportes
jul. de 2024 • Pareja
I begin by saying that the museum we especially liked the upper floor where there are beautiful mosaics. There is the elevator which does not hurt and then my husband was given the senior discount that does not hurt'
Escrita el 1 de julio de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Jessheim, Noruega2.069 aportes
mar. de 2024 • Solitario
Excellent museum! Much bigger than expected. Friendly staff, great number of displays. Lots of information on the 365 ad earthquake that flattened the town.
Escrita el 30 de marzo de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Paris138 aportes
jun. de 2023 • Pareja
Un petit musée provincial qui mérite pleinement la visite, bien conçu, avec quelques belles pièces, et quasiment gratuit. Mérite vraiment d'être découvert.
Escrita el 9 de junio de 2023
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Atenas, Grecia35 aportes
ago. de 2022
Πρόκειται για ένα μικρό, πλην όμως πολύ ενδιαφέρον τοπικό μουσείο. Καθαρός χώρος, σωστά δομημένος και με ωραία εκθέματα. Το κτίριο που το φιλοξενεί είναι μια ιστορία από μόνο του. Το προσωπικό είναι πολύ εξυπηρετικό και ευγενικό. Αν βρεθείτε στο Καστέλι αξίζει να το επισκεφτείτε.
Escrita el 13 de marzo de 2023
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Londres, UK3.646 aportes
oct. de 2022 • Pareja
Situated in the main square of Kissamos this museum is fairly easy to find when walking but not so easy to park around if you are coming by car.
Spread over two floors it gives a good history of this area of Crete detailing the early civilisations before the Romans came and then how the Kissamos area was utilised by the Romans.
Plenty of earthenware and stoneware dating back to 2000BC on the ground floor but I will agree with others that the upstairs section is more interesting with the well presented Roman Mosaic floors and the superb coin collection with coins from nearly every Roman Emperor post 54AD. Well displayed with a useful magnifying glass, if the museum is quiet as it was for us you could spend 20 minutes on this exhibit alone.
Spread over two floors it gives a good history of this area of Crete detailing the early civilisations before the Romans came and then how the Kissamos area was utilised by the Romans.
Plenty of earthenware and stoneware dating back to 2000BC on the ground floor but I will agree with others that the upstairs section is more interesting with the well presented Roman Mosaic floors and the superb coin collection with coins from nearly every Roman Emperor post 54AD. Well displayed with a useful magnifying glass, if the museum is quiet as it was for us you could spend 20 minutes on this exhibit alone.
Escrita el 13 de octubre de 2022
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Massimo Samperi
Sutri, Italia530 aportes
ago. de 2022
Museo piccolo ma con reperti molto belli, come al solito la gente si affolla sulle spiagge e nei negozi di souvenir trascurando i luoghi di cultura. visitato da soli.
Escrita el 12 de septiembre de 2022
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Marton Varga
10 aportes
jul. de 2022 • Pareja
All in all, it was a nice little insight to local culture and history. Personally I enjoyed he first floor more. Mosaics and numismatic parts were stunning. Nice place to spend 1-2hours while in Kissamos
Escrita el 8 de julio de 2022
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Gerry M
Glasgow, UK11 aportes
jun. de 2022
Good museum and good information on exhibits.
I was particularly impressed by the coins and their history. The mosaics are great examples of fine work. It is helpful that photos(without flash) are permitted.
I was particularly impressed by the coins and their history. The mosaics are great examples of fine work. It is helpful that photos(without flash) are permitted.
Escrita el 8 de junio de 2022
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
19 aportes
mar. de 2022
There is so much to discover - we loved the statues, coins, tombs etc. My daugther is five and enjoyed it for 90 minutes.
Escrita el 23 de marzo de 2022
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
We're staying in Agia Pelagia, which is about 20 km west of Heraklion in May and I would like to visit the Museum at Kissamos and Chania.
Does anyone have any thoughts on whether it is possible to do this on public transport as a day trip or would car hire or an organised excursion be better?
The last time I was in Crete was 1988, I loved the walk down the Gorge or Samaria that time. I'm not sure it would be a good idea now at 63 with dodgy knees but I may go for it.
Escrita el 24 de febrero de 2015
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