Nuns Moor Park
Nuns Moor Park
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8 opiniones
Muy bueno
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK443 aportes
dic. de 2019 • Solitario
I use this park regularly when walking the dog and continue onto the Moor. It is fairly well kept with little litter or rubbish and is generally well cared for.
Escrita el 29 de diciembre de 2019
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Jennifer V
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK25 aportes
ago. de 2018
Park in lovely condition with good sized playground for kids and lots of space. You can high out the bike garden for a small fee.
Escrita el 1 de febrero de 2019
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Margaret M
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK10 aportes
sept. de 2018 • Amigos
The Friends of Nuns Moor Park are now active making efforts to keep the park grounds (which had been rather neglected) looking good, while a weekly litter pick started by Greening Wingrove project keeps the place tidy. Free-to-use tennis courts, play area for small children, wild area, plenty of space for games, picnics, and seats for general relaxation make this a well-used park. See Nuns Moor Park Facebook page for latest events at the Bike Garden if you'd like to get involved in caring for this popular park.
Escrita el 19 de septiembre de 2018
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Helen B
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK3 aportes
ago. de 2017
I love this park. It's well used by a cross-section of the community, feels safe and well looked-after, and stretches far enough to walk a fair way. We're lucky to have it.
Escrita el 20 de agosto de 2017
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Newcastle, UK692 aportes
sept. de 2016 • Familia
Nuns Moor Park is one of the popular park at the west end of Newcastle almost adjacent to BBC Radio/TV station. The park is more utilised by majority of people that lived around Fenham, Arthur's Hill and Wingrove area. Nice park for couple, teens, young adult and Family with children . Come and see nature at its best.
Escrita el 9 de septiembre de 2016
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nigel h
1 aporte
mar. de 2016 • Solitario
The park is potentially a wonderful resource for the community, however, lack of maintenance and lack of supervision make it a disgraceful liability. Condoms, broken glass, empty beer cans litter the area. Gangs of unruly children make walking through the park an unpleasant experience.
The bike garden, whilst useful is not the best use for the former croquet lawn, and turning 30% of the green area into a "community orchard" only makes the place look less cared for. It would have been much better to bring the boundary hedges into management and use the heritage trees to gap up the hedges.
Frequently during the summer organised groups hold picnics and bbqs in the park with a huge increase in litter from these events; either provide more and larger waste bins and keep them emptied, or restrict the use of the park to small family groups . . .
The bike garden, whilst useful is not the best use for the former croquet lawn, and turning 30% of the green area into a "community orchard" only makes the place look less cared for. It would have been much better to bring the boundary hedges into management and use the heritage trees to gap up the hedges.
Frequently during the summer organised groups hold picnics and bbqs in the park with a huge increase in litter from these events; either provide more and larger waste bins and keep them emptied, or restrict the use of the park to small family groups . . .
Escrita el 15 de marzo de 2016
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.
Greening W
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK5 aportes
oct. de 2015 • Familia
Great day out for everyone and loads to do and see. The Bike Garden has been progressing over the summer, and this autumnal day was all about celebrating the season and an excuse to get together and enjoy the park.
Escrita el 6 de noviembre de 2015
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Newcastle upon Tyne1 aporte
The park is situated approximately one and a half to two miles west of the city, in the area of Fenham, accessible on number 12 bus from Blackett Street. The park consists of a large playing field with goalposts for football (soccer) and also a playground area. The playground has a good mix of stuff to play on - the usual swings and slides, plus climbing frames, and a few less common bits. There's a wooden climbing frame in a sandpit with buckets to hoist up on chains, a zip slide (loads of fun even for the adults!) and a huge tyre (tire) swing on which you can easily fit four big kids. I would recommend the park to anyone in the area, although if you're visiting Newcastle city centre, it might be something you pass over. Suitable for kids of all ages - I take my one year old boy - lots of space for him to stay away from the bigger ones. On the opposite side of the traffic lights is another playground, much smaller, usually quieter, more suitable for little ones, but there's a park area which makes for a lovely short walk in the summer / autumn (fall). Enjoy!
Escrita el 6 de diciembre de 2003
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